How to Know If Your Oven's Heating Element Is Broken

Is your oven acting up, leaving your meals undercooked or burned? It’s likely you’re dealing with a faulty heating element. Don’t worry! We’re here to guide you.

This article will help you identify the problem, test the heating element, and even guide you through replacing it if necessary. With our help, you’ll have your oven back in top shape in no time.

Stick around to ensure your oven’s performance won’t let you down.

Identifying Common Oven Problems

Several common problems might indicate that your oven’s heating element isn’t working properly. You may notice uneven heating or longer cooking times.

One of the first troubleshooting tips to try is checking your oven calibration. If the oven’s temperature doesn’t match the setting, it’s a sign that something is off. You can test this by using an oven-safe thermometer to compare the actual temperature with the set temperature. If there’s a discrepancy, your oven needs recalibration.

In some cases, recalibrating the oven might fix the issue. But if the problem persists, it’s likely your heating element that’s at fault. Don’t fret, though, as identifying these issues is the first step towards fixing your oven.

Signs of a Faulty Heating Element

Look out for these telltale signs that your oven’s heating element is faulty: it doesn’t heat up, heats unevenly, or takes longer than usual to preheat. If you’re noticing your oven isn’t performing as it should, it’s possible you’re dealing with a broken heating element.

One clear sign is element discoloration. If the element is no longer a bright, shiny metal but has turned a dull gray or even black, it’s likely faulty.

Inconsistent cooking is another symptom. You might find that one side of your dish is cooked perfectly while the other side remains uncooked. This can be a frustrating experience, especially if you’re preparing a meal for a special occasion.

Don’t ignore these signs; they’re your first clues that your oven’s heating element might be on the fritz.

Testing the Heating Element

To test your oven’s heating element, you’ll need a multimeter, a tool that measures electrical values. First, ensure you’ve taken safety precautions. Unplug your oven or switch off the circuit breaker to avoid any electrical mishaps.

Next, remove the heating element from your oven. Be careful not to damage any adjoining parts.

On the multimeter, set the dial to measure resistance, which is measured in ohms. Attach the multimeter’s probes to each terminal of the heating element.

A properly functioning element should display a resistance between 20 and 40 ohms. If the element resistance is outside this range or if no resistance is detected at all, your heating element is likely broken and needs replacement.

Steps to Replace Your Element

After you’ve determined that your oven’s heating element is indeed broken, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get ready for the replacement process.

Start by gathering your tools and, of course, the new element. Your element installation guide will be your best friend during this process. It will provide step-by-step instructions to correctly install the new element.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to factor in the cost estimation for the new part and any tools you may need to purchase.

After the installation is complete, test your oven again to ensure everything’s working as it should. You’ll feel a sense of achievement, knowing you’ve fixed it yourself!

Maintaining Your Oven’s Performance

Keep your oven’s performance at its peak by regularly checking and cleaning its components, including the heating element. Oven Cleaning Tips are essential, and using a soft brush or cloth can remove built-up grime. Don’t forget to clean the heating element carefully to avoid damage.

To improve energy efficiency, ensure that the oven door seals tightly. A loose seal allows heat to escape, wasting energy and reducing cooking efficiency. It’s also wise to limit the number of times you open the oven door while cooking. Each peek drops the temperature and makes your oven work harder.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Average Lifespan of an Oven’s Heating Element?

Typically, your oven’s heating element durability lasts around 5-10 years. To extend its lifespan, it’s crucial you clean your oven regularly, avoid spillages, and don’t overload it, ensuring it lasts longer.

How Much Does It Typically Cost to Replace a Broken Oven Heating Element?

You’re curious about the cost to replace a broken oven heating element, aren’t you? Well, it varies, but typically you’re looking at between $100 and $200. This factors in the element’s durability and the replacement process.

Can I Use an Oven With a Broken Heating Element Before It Is Fixed?

No, you shouldn’t use an oven with a broken heating element. It’ll decrease element efficiency and could be dangerous. Opt for alternative cooking methods, like a microwave or stovetop, until the issue’s fixed.

What Are Some Common Brands of Ovens and Their Specific Heating Element Issues?

You’ll find brand-specific troubleshooting guides for common oven brands like GE, Whirlpool, and KitchenAid. Each has unique heating element issues that can impact your cooking performance. Always consult your manual for detailed information.

Are There Any Safety Precautions to Be Taken When Dealing With a Faulty Heating Element?

Yes, it’s crucial to take safety measures when dealing with a faulty heating element. Always unplug your oven before any maintenance. Wear insulated gloves and use tools designed for electrical work for optimal element safety.


In sum, spotting a faulty oven heating element isn’t rocket science. Pay attention to common oven problems and signs of a damaged element.

Test the element to confirm your suspicions. If it’s indeed broken, don’t fret, you can replace it yourself.

Keep up with regular oven maintenance to avoid future mishaps. Remember, a well-functioning oven is key to mouth-watering meals.

Don’t let a broken element spoil your culinary adventures!

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